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- Cobb Angle Explained: Measuring Spinal Deformities
- Finger Pulley Injury: Causes and Symptoms Explained
- Abdominal Self Massage Helps Relieve Constipation
- Pectoralis Minor Stretching Techniques for Relief
- Hula Hoop: A Fun Way to Boost Core Strength
- Back Cracking Techniques for a Healthier Spine
- Walking Backward: A Unique Therapy Technique
- Bicycle Stationary Conversion: Get Active Indoors
- An Explained Overview Of The Symptoms Of Kyphosis
- Female Hernia: Common Misdiagnoses Explained
Treatment and Recovery for a Ruptured Achilles Tendon
Whether your doctor recommends surgery for a ruptured Achilles tendon may depend partly on your age and activity…
Chiropractors & Naturopaths Crusade Natural Treatment As Opioid Crisis…
Seizing on the opioid epidemic as a chance to expand their reach, naturopaths and chiropractors are aggressively…
The Differences Between a Sprain, a Strain and a Tear
Sprains, strains and tears are different types of injuries, and it's important to know how they differ, a sports…
YUP! The NFL Needs To Embrace Marijuana And The League & Opioid Crisis
Eben Britton is a man who understands pain. Within his six-year NFL playing career as an offensive lineman for the…
Flexibility Training Tips
There are 3 primary parts of exercise: cardiovascular exercise, strengthening exercises, and flexibility…
Exercise Is Good for The Brain Especially Stroke Survivors
The analysis of 13 clinical trials found that exercise therapy was generally good for stroke patients' "cognition."…
Depression Linked To Back Pain
Living with chronic back or neck pain can lead to depression, feelings of worry, nervousness, hopelessness, as well…
How Footwear Can Affect Running Injuries
Historically athletes were barefoot in the sporting arena and it is only a relatively recent phenomenon for shoes…
Whiplash Center
Whiplash is a common injury, annually affecting about 2 million individuals within the U.S. Generally due to a car…
Improper Diet, Type 2 Diabetes and Back Pain
Back pain is one of the most common complaints reported by a majority of the population. Affecting many people…
Healthy Living 10 Best Natural Probiotic Foods
Are you including enough probiotic-rich foods in your diet? Do you know that probiotics are not only…
Sedentary Lifestyle Can Increase Risk of Prediabetes
Here's yet another reason to get off the couch: Inactivity is associated with greater risk of prediabetes, even for…
Upper Back Pain Center
Pain in the upper and/or mid back is not as common than lower back or neck pain. The upper back is called…
Mediterranean Diet: Italians Healthiest People In The World
The Global Health Index results are in, and Italians rank first as the world's healthiest people, according to…
Eat More Turmeric! Here’s How
Turmeric is quickly becoming an "it" superfood. You've probably seen the ingredient all over Pinterest and…
Fear Has Silenced Undocumented Domestic Violence Victims
In February, an immigration enforcement case in El Paso earned the attention of domestic violence advocates across…
Back Pain Relating to Different Regions of the Spine
Many people frequently seek medical attention to treat symptoms of back pain. Approximately three in four adults…
Top 10 Scoliosis Exercises & Their Benefits
If you are here, I am sure you want to find a long lasting, effective, and natural treatment for scoliosis.
The Connection Between Chiropractic & Spinal Manipulation
What's the Connection?
About 80% of patients visiting a chiropractor receive some type of spinal manipulation,…