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Crime Victims ProgramËš
Crime Victims Program: With El Paso’s ripping growth, there too has been a sad growth in domestic crimes affecting many in our community. The Crime Victims Program of Texas instituted by the State Attorney General now stands ready to assist victims in need. The program is here in El Paso, Texas finally. Defined Here: The Texas Code of Criminal Procedure Chapter 56 defines victim as:
A person who is the victim of the offense of sexual assault, kidnapping, aggravated robbery, trafficking of persons, or injury to a child, elderly individual, or disabled individual or who has suffered personal injury or death as a result of the criminal conduct of another.
The Office of the Attorney General serves victims of crime by administering the Crime Victims’ Compensation Program and victim service-related grants and contracts, in addition to offering training and outreach programs.
- The Crime Victims’ Compensation Program reimburses out-of-pocket expenses to victims of violent crime and their families. The Crime Victims’ Compensation Fund can help eligible victims pay for medical and counseling bills incurred because of the crime and can help families cover the cost of the funeral for a loved one who has been killed.
- Grants and Contracts administered by the Office of the Attorney General help fund a broad range of victim-related services. Domestic violence shelters, rape crisis centers, hotlines, victim advocacy, education, assistance with CVC applications and other victim-related services are available as a result of these grants and contracts.