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- Cobb Angle Explained: Measuring Spinal Deformities
- Finger Pulley Injury: Causes and Symptoms Explained
- Abdominal Self Massage Helps Relieve Constipation
- Pectoralis Minor Stretching Techniques for Relief
- Hula Hoop: A Fun Way to Boost Core Strength
- Back Cracking Techniques for a Healthier Spine
- Walking Backward: A Unique Therapy Technique
- Bicycle Stationary Conversion: Get Active Indoors
- An Explained Overview Of The Symptoms Of Kyphosis
- Female Hernia: Common Misdiagnoses Explained
Diagnosing Herniated Bulging Discs with MRI
How are MRIs used to help diagnose bulging and herniated discs and help healthcare providers develop effective…
Boost Your Health with Eucalyptus Tea
How is eucalyptus tea made, and what are its health benefits?
Eucalyptus Tea
Eucalyptus tea is an herbal tea…
Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy: Part 2
Can hormone replacement therapy provide relief by replenishing lost hormones in menopausal women and in men to…
Yips: A Comprehensive Guide for Athletes
Yips are involuntary wrist muscle spasms that affect athletes. They are often associated with golf, baseball, and…
Relieve Low Back Pain with a Progressive Walking Program
For individuals dealing with newly formed or chronic lower back pain, can making daily walks a part of a weekly…
Exploring Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy: Part 1
Can bioidentical hormone replacement therapy can help many individuals dealing with pain and fatigue while…
Maintaining a Healthy Core with Chair Abdominal Exercises
For many individuals, getting on the floor to do crunches or other exercises can be difficult due to medical…
Exploring the Iliacus Muscle and Its Role in Movement
The iliacus muscle is a triangle-shaped muscle in the pelvic bone that flexes and rotates the thigh bone. It works…
How to Safely Lift Objects: Correct Manual Lifting Technique
Incorrect manual handling and lifting is a leading cause of workplace injuries. Can health and safety training help…
The Science Behind Fat-to-Energy Conversion: Fueling Activities
How is fat turned into energy to be used as fuel for individuals working to improve their health and physical…
Achieving and Maintaining Healthy Posture: Tips and Techniques
Can correcting body misalignments and the elements of unhealthy posture help achieve a healthy posture?
Exploring the Role of the Axillary Nerve in Upper Limb Movement
An axillary nerve injury can cause pain, weakness, and shoulder mobility loss. Can physical therapy help restore…
The Role of Vastus Lateralis in Knee Extension
The vastus lateralis is a muscle on the outside part of the thigh. Injuries to the muscle include strains,…
Beginner Workouts: Build Healthy Habits for Life
Can beginner workouts help individuals who want to improve their health by helping them lose weight and improve…
Spinal Surgical Decompression for Nerve Root Encroachment
Individuals experiencing persistent pain, weakness, numbness, and tingling in the back could be suffering from…
Stay Hydrated: The Key to Optimal Health
Can individuals maintain proper hydration levels in their bodies to prevent spinal pain and other musculoskeletal…
Daily Vegetable Consumption Guidelines for Better Health
Does an individual's ideal daily intake of vegetables depend on age, sex, and activity level?
Daily Serving of…
The Connection Between NSAIDs and Peptic Ulcers
For individuals with chronic pain conditions, what are the risks of developing peptic ulcers?
NSAIDs and Peptic…
The Importance of Concussion Tests: Evaluating Brain Function
What type of concussion tests are there to help establish the extent of head injuries and help assess improvement…