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- Exercising Before Bed: Tips for Better Rest
- Lidocaine Patch: A Guide to Pain Relief
- What to Wear to Physical Therapy for Best Results
- Cobb Angle Explained: Measuring Spinal Deformities
- Finger Pulley Injury: Causes and Symptoms Explained
- Abdominal Self Massage Helps Relieve Constipation
- Pectoralis Minor Stretching Techniques for Relief
- Hula Hoop: A Fun Way to Boost Core Strength
- Back Cracking Techniques for a Healthier Spine
- Walking Backward: A Unique Therapy Technique
Nutrition in Integrative and Functional Medicine | Functional Chiropractor
Dietitians at Integrative and Functional Medicine (DIFM) is a specialty clinic group of nutrition professionals…
Ergonomics: Office And Workplace
Ergonomics in the work place. Back pain is one of the most frequent work-related injuries and is often brought on…
Functional Medicine: The Future of Health Care | Eastside Chiropractor
"The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will teach his patient in the care of the human frame, in diet…
Functional Medicine VS Traditional Medicine | Central Chiro
Traditional medicine delivers a broad selection of treatment options, some more powerful than others. And these…
Integrative Functional Medicine & Chronic Pain | Chiropractor
Chronic disease has reached epidemic proportions. Millions of people suffer from chronic conditions such as chronic…
Functional Medicine Treatment Approaches | Southwest Chiropractor
According to the American College of Preventive Medicine, most chronic diseases are preventable and reversible if a…
How Proper Nutrition Can Relieve Chronic Pain | Chiropractor
Mother Nature is the best pharmacist and food is easily the most effective drug on the planet," wrote Mark Hyman,…
Functional Medicine and Chronic Pain Care | Central Chiropractor
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, or the CDC, chronic diseases and ailments, such as…
How Psychologists Help Fibromyalgia Patients | Central Chiropractor
About 30% of people with fibromyalgia experience nervousness, depression, or some form of mood disturbance.…
Proper Sleep Can Help Relieve Fibromyalgia Pain | Central Chiropractor
More than half of people with fibromyalgia experience sleeping issues. You may have a hard time falling asleep or…
Technology: Becoming A Pain In Your Child’s Neck?
Did you know people send an average of 250 million texts daily? Along with the convenience that technology…
Exercise Reduces Symptoms from Fibromyalgia | Central Chiropractor
Fibromyalgia is a mysterious disorder that has been misunderstood for many years, however, there are lots of…
Physical Therapeutics for Fibromyalgia | Central Chiropractor
Physical therapy often takes a hands-on approach, which might make you cringe if you're experiencing pain from…
Fibromyalgia Study: It’s a Real Disease | Central Chiropractor
We do not know what causes fibromyalgia, but today, as a result of research studies, we've got a clue. Fibromyalgia…
Causes and Diagnosis of Fibromyalgia | Southwest Chiropractor
Fibromyalgia is a painful, chronic condition, which unfortunately healthcare professionals know little about.…
Diagnostic Outpatient Imaging
Dr. Alex Jimenez collaborates with top rated diagnosticians and imaging specialists. We are blessed to have in our…
Fibromyalgia: Widespread Chronic Muscle Pain | Central Chiropractor
Chronic pain is defined as persistent, long term pain which can continue for weeks, months, even years after the…
How Psychologists Can Help With Chronic Pain | Central Chiropractor
Chronic pain is pain that doesn't go away. Unlike acute pain, that comes on suddenly and can usually be traced…
Common Injections Used to Treat Chronic Pain | Recommended Chiropractor
Many Americans in the United States will visit a healthcare professional's office reporting some type of pain.…