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- What to Wear to Physical Therapy for Best Results
- Cobb Angle Explained: Measuring Spinal Deformities
- Finger Pulley Injury: Causes and Symptoms Explained
- Abdominal Self Massage Helps Relieve Constipation
- Pectoralis Minor Stretching Techniques for Relief
- Hula Hoop: A Fun Way to Boost Core Strength
- Back Cracking Techniques for a Healthier Spine
- Walking Backward: A Unique Therapy Technique
- Bicycle Stationary Conversion: Get Active Indoors
- An Explained Overview Of The Symptoms Of Kyphosis
Chiropractic: Exercise Best Medicine For Back Injuries
El Paso, TX. Chiropractor Dr. Alex Jimenez looks at exercise as treatment for back injuries.
Since 1992…
Make Any Recipe A Clean Recipe
El Paso, TX. Chiropractor Dr. Alex Jimenez discusses clean eating.
When it comes to eating clean, it’s often…
Herniated Disc Center
El Paso,TX. Chiropractor Dr. Alex Jimenez looks examines a herniated disc.
Herniated disc is a somewhat common…
Cooking at Home Can be Cheaper and Healthier
If you're eager to save money while eating right, stick close to your own kitchen, researchers say.
Chiropractic Patients Recover Faster & Spend Less
El Paso, TX. Chiropractor Dr. Alex Jimenez examines patients that go through chiropractic vs. traditional medical…
Spondylolisthesis: Back Condition & Treatment
El Paso, TX. Chiropractor discusses spondylolisthesis or a forward slip of a vertebra.
The word spondylolisthesis…
Treatment Options Available for Sciatica Symptoms
Sciatica, medically defined as a set of symptoms rather than a single disorder, is commonly characterized by pain…
Parenthood Linked To A Longer Life
El Paso, TX. Chiropractor Dr. Alex Jimenez takes a look at parenthood and longer life.
Parents, take courage. If…
Proper Serving of Fruits and Vegetables for Longevity
If you want to add years to your life, 10 daily servings of fruits and vegetables may be the best recipe you can…
Student-Athletes & Injuries
El Paso, TX. Chiropractor Dr. Alex Jimenez discusses student-athletes and injuries.
Most injuries to…
Sugar, Acidity & Inflammation
El Paso, TX. Chiropractor Dr. Alex Jimenez investigates sugar, acidity and inflammation.
A study late last year,…
Garlic For Back Pain: Does It Work?
El Paso, TX. Chiropractor Dr. Alex Jimenez investigates if garlic works for back pain.
Test It Out yourself!…
Yoga For You & Back Pain
El Paso, TX. Chiropractor Dr. Alex Jimenez looks at yoga for back pain.
Yoga increases strength and flexibility,…
Physical Education is Much More than Simple Fitness
Rules requiring regular physical education for young teens stem from "good science," researchers say.
What Helped Me Get In Great Shape? Pasta, Curries, Chocolate & Red Wine
El Paso, TX. Chiropractor Dr. Alex Jimenez takes a look at the Mediterranean diet.
I eat a wide variety of…
Sciatica: What Is It & What Gets Rid of It?
El Paso, TX. Chiropractor Dr. Alex Jimenez takes a look at sciatica.
The pain shoots down your leg—burning,…
Driving & Back Care
El Paso, TX. Chiropractor Dr. Alex Jimenez takes a look at driving and how it effects the spine.
Daily, nearly 90%…
Physical Activity is the Best Method to Post-Stroke Recovery
People who were active and exercised regularly before their stroke were less likely to face disability after the…
Treating Plantar Fasciitis
El Paso, TX. Chiropractor Dr. Alex Jimenez looks at types of treatments for Plantar Fasciitis
Plantar fasciitis:…