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- Pectoralis Minor Stretching Techniques for Relief
- Hula Hoop: A Fun Way to Boost Core Strength
- Back Cracking Techniques for a Healthier Spine
- Walking Backward: A Unique Therapy Technique
- Bicycle Stationary Conversion: Get Active Indoors
- An Explained Overview Of The Symptoms Of Kyphosis
- Female Hernia: Common Misdiagnoses Explained
- Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Explained Clearly
- The Straight Leg Test and Spinal Health
- Weight Resistance Training for Better Sleep
HealthCare Providers
Healthcare workers are at risk of suffering many different types of injury on the job. Work in the healthcare industry is physically demanding and it takes a toll on the body. Workers can also be injured by a variety of people or things they encounter on a daily basis in their jobs. Healthcare practitioners, from nurses to chiropractors, specialize on providing the best health services available to the general population in order to implement outstanding care to individuals in need. Health professionals are frequently involved in high-demand environments which require healthcare members to be constantly on their feet, helping as many individuals as possible for prolonged periods of time. Dr. Alex Jimenez’s collection of Healthcare Providers articles cover a variety of injuries or conditions affecting a majority of health professionals while on the field, paying close attention to and emphasizing the treatments and solutions available to care for these important individuals as well. For more information, please feel free to contact us at (915) 850-0900 or text to call Dr. Jimenez personally at (915) 540-8444.