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- Cobb Angle Explained: Measuring Spinal Deformities
- Finger Pulley Injury: Causes and Symptoms Explained
- Abdominal Self Massage Helps Relieve Constipation
- Pectoralis Minor Stretching Techniques for Relief
- Hula Hoop: A Fun Way to Boost Core Strength
- Back Cracking Techniques for a Healthier Spine
- Walking Backward: A Unique Therapy Technique
- Bicycle Stationary Conversion: Get Active Indoors
- An Explained Overview Of The Symptoms Of Kyphosis
- Female Hernia: Common Misdiagnoses Explained
Athletes strive to achieve their body’s maximum performance by participating in numerous training regiments consisting of strenuous exercises and physical activity and making sure they meet all of their body’s nutritional requirements. Through proper fitness and nutrition, many individuals can condition themselves to excel in their specific sport.
Our training programs are designed for athletes that look to gain a competitive edge in their sport.  We provide sport-specific services to help increase an athlete’s performance through mobility, strength, and endurance.
Occasionally, however, the excess workouts can lead many to suffer injuries or develop underlying conditions. Dr. Alex Jimenez’s chronicle of articles displays in detail the many forms of complications affecting these professionals while focusing on the possible solutions and treatments to follow to achieve athlete’s overall well-being.