
Advanced Diagnostics: Breaking Down Results

Biomarkers are one of the essential ways practitioners are able to assess the flora residing in the gastrointestinal tract. Although… Read More

May 7, 2020

Mechanical Diagnosis Therapy for Neck Pain El Paso, TX.

Q: My neck pain comes and goes, depending on the weather, and has for a few years. I have found… Read More

November 20, 2019

Knee Pain & Acute Trauma Diagnosis Imaging Part II | El Paso, TX

Meniscal Tears Acute or chronic. Imaged with MRI (95% sensitivity & 81% specificity)Menisci are formed by a composition of radial… Read More

October 31, 2018

Diagnosis of Hip Complaints: Arthritis & Neoplasms Part II | El Paso, TX.

Ischemic Osteonecrosis Ischemic Osteonecrosis (More accurate term) aka avascular necrosis AVN: this term describes subarticular (subchondral) bone deathIntramedullary bone infarct:… Read More

October 23, 2018

Diagnosis of Hip Complaints: Arthritis & Neoplasms Part I | El Paso, TX.

Degenerative Joint Disease (DJD) Macroscopic & Microscopic Appearance of Normal vs. Damaged Articular Hyaline Cartilage by DJD Hip Osteoarthritis (OA)… Read More

October 19, 2018

Acute Pelvis & Hip Trauma Imaging Diagnosis Part II | El Paso, TX.

Hip Fractures Garden Classification (above) helps with Dx and correct management of patientsM/C Fx are subcapital (80%)Fxs differentiated as intra-capsular… Read More

October 17, 2018

Acute Pelvis & Hip Trauma Imaging Diagnosis Part I | El Paso, TX.

Pelvic Fractures Can Be Stable & Unstable Unstable Fx: a result of high energy trauma with >50% d/t MVA20% closed… Read More

October 16, 2018

Spinal Neoplasms Diagnostic Imaging Approach Part II

Summary NeoplasmsThe vast majority of clinically suspected bone Mets are found in the axial skeleton and proximal femurs/humeriRadiography is the… Read More

October 10, 2018

Spinal Neoplasms Diagnostic Imaging Approach Part I

Metastatic Bone Disease (aka Mets) or "Secondaries." Are the most common malignant bone neoplasms affecting the spine, aka spinal neoplasms… Read More

October 9, 2018

Vertebral Fracture Diagnosis Imaging Studies

A vertebral fracture is a common health issue which can often cause bone fragments to damage the spinal chord and… Read More

October 2, 2018

Spinal Trauma Imaging Approach to Diagnosis Part II

Hyperextension Injury Hangman's Fx aka traumatic spondylolisthesis of C2 with a fracture of pars interarticularis or pedicles (unstable)MVA is the… Read More

September 28, 2018

Spinal Trauma Imaging Approach to Diagnosis Part I

Imaging Diagnosis Management: Cervical spinal trauma & radiographic variants simulating diseaseCervical spineArthritisNeoplasmsInfectionPost-Surgical cervical spine Cranio-cervical and upper cervical stability is… Read More

September 27, 2018

Kids Diagnosed With ADHD | How Chiropractic Benefits | El Paso, TX.

Kids: Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is characterized by impulsivity and hyperactivity over a period of more than six months. Symptoms… Read More

May 25, 2018

Diagnosis Exams and Tests for Sciatica in El Paso, TX

Various exams and tests are available to diagnose the source of an individual's sciatica symptoms. The way your healthcare professional… Read More

May 9, 2018

Determining & Treating the Cause of Knee Pain

Over the years, I have equated what we do as chiropractors during our clinical evaluations to being “diagnosis detectives.” In… Read More

February 15, 2017