
Enhancing Lower Extremity Recovery: Incorporating MET Therapy

Can athletic individuals incorporate MET (muscle energy techniques) therapy to reduce the pain-like effects of adductor strain? Introduction The body's… Read More

May 8, 2024

A Guide to Treating Plantar Fasciitis with Acupuncture

For individuals dealing with plantar fasciitis, every step can be painful. Can taking an integrative approach and utilizing acupuncture help… Read More

January 22, 2024

Understanding Groin Strains: Injuries, Symptoms, & Treatments

When a groin strain injury happens, can knowing the symptoms help in the diagnosis, treatment, and recovery times? Groin Strain… Read More

November 13, 2023

Pulled Muscle Treatment: Healing Stages & Symptoms Explained

When individuals experience a neuromusculoskeletal injury strain, can following basic pulled muscle treatment protocols help in healing and a full… Read More

September 20, 2023

Running Piriformis Syndrome: EP’s Chiropractic Scientists

The piriformis is a large and powerful muscle beneath the gluteal/buttocks muscles. It runs from the bottom of the sacrum,… Read More

May 18, 2023

Intercostal Muscle Strain: EP’s Chiropractic Scientists

Intercostal muscles are the muscles within the rib cage, commonly called the intercostals, which connect the ribs and make up… Read More

April 14, 2023

Vision Problems Could Be Cause of Neck Pain and Headaches

Shoulder and neck discomfort, pain, and headaches could be caused by vision problems and eye strain that require corrective glasses,… Read More

April 3, 2023

Groin Strain & The MET Technique

Introduction The muscles surrounding the hips in the lower extremities provide stability to the lumbar spine and pelvis while allowing mobility, flexibility,… Read More

March 30, 2023

Lumbar Strain: EP’s Chiropractic Scientists

The lumbar/low back muscles support the upper body's weight and are involved in moving, twisting, bending, pushing, pulling, and reaching.… Read More

March 20, 2023

Delayed Injury Symptoms

Automobile accidents and crashes can cause all kinds of damage to the body even when the accident/crash is not severe.… Read More

February 28, 2022

Holiday Chiropractic Stress Relief

Getting ready for holiday celebrations takes a great deal of work. Visiting family and friends, traveling, spending hours shopping, wrapping… Read More

December 10, 2021

Acute and Chronic Sports Injuries

Acute and chronic sports injuries. Individuals that participate in sports or physical activities have an increased risk of experiencing an… Read More

October 18, 2021

Calf Soreness, Pain and Chiropractic Treatment

Calf pain is common in individuals that are on their feet for long periods. This could be standing, walking, as… Read More

September 20, 2021

Tension In The Neck, Relief and Motion Restored With Chiropractic

Muscle tension in the neck is a common musculoskeletal disorder.  The neck is made up of flexible muscles that support… Read More

September 1, 2021

Scoliosis and Hip Pain

Scoliosis causes the spinal curvature to go sideways and can cause various symptoms. One of the most common symptoms is… Read More

August 31, 2021

Straining, Spasming, Injuring The Lat Muscles

The latissimus dorsi or lats are the large flat muscles on each side covering the width of the middle and… Read More

August 9, 2021

Quadriceps Thigh Strain: Chiropractic

The quadriceps muscle consists of four muscles in front of the thigh that connects to the knee right below the… Read More

July 28, 2021

Keeping The Neck In One Position For Too Long

Many individuals will be looking up at the fireworks this 4th of July weekend. A word of caution when keeping… Read More

July 2, 2021

Chiropractic Treatment For Tennis Injuries

Tennis is an intense sport that requires strength, agility, flexibility, stamina, endurance, and conditioning. And it’s a great way to… Read More

June 10, 2021