
What is Folate Metabolism?

Folate, and its synthetic form folic acid, is a water-soluble B vitamin that plays a fundamental role in a variety… Read More

June 9, 2020

Excess Sugar and Chronic Inflammation

Our diet can significantly affect inflammation in our bodies. Several foods can increase inflammation while other foods can reduce inflammation.… Read More

June 8, 2020

Good Calories vs Bad Calories Overview

Calories are defined as a measurement of the energy our body produces from the foods we eat. However, not all… Read More

June 4, 2020

The Connection Between Nutrition & the Epigenome

Nutrition is considered to be one of the most well-understood environmental factors associated with changes in the epigenome. Nutrients in… Read More

June 3, 2020

Natural Ways to Improve Insulin Resistance

Insulin is an essential hormone that regulates blood sugar levels. It is naturally produced in the pancreas and helps move… Read More

June 3, 2020

Nutrigenetics, Nutrigenomics, & Chiropractic Care

Genes are complicated and have many varying impacts on potential consequences and protein production. However, one concept that is not… Read More

June 1, 2020

Nutrigenomics and Traits Between Generations

Researchers are trying to understand how nutrigenomics can affect a person’s health. Studies have shown that epigenetics increases the risk… Read More

June 1, 2020

Eating Right and Healing Quick, Post Spine Surgery

Getting back to the house and eating a regular meal post a spinal operation is one of those moments when… Read More

May 29, 2020

Type 2 Diabetes: Nutrition & Environmental Factors

To start out, it should be noted that research has been constantly connecting all chronic health conditions with a link… Read More

May 29, 2020

Homocysteine & Its Heavy Impact

It is without a doubt that any imbalance in the body has a direct relationship influencing other body systems. Similar… Read More

May 28, 2020

Mitochondrial Dysfunction & The Nervous System

The mitochondria is the “powerhouse of the cell”. It obtained this nickname by being the creator of ATP, or the… Read More

May 27, 2020

Functional Wellness: Genetics & Methylation Dysfunction

Genetics play a large role in the onset of diseases and human physiology. One thing we know now more than… Read More

May 19, 2020

Diet & Autoimmunity: The Wahls Protocol

Dr. Terry Wahls is the creator and author of the Wahls Protocol. After a personal health battle, she discovered and… Read More

May 15, 2020

Depression: A Holistic View

Depression is fairly common, in fact 11% of Americans are currently on an antidepressant. Antidepressants are the third most commonly… Read More

May 14, 2020

Help Protect Yourself Against Cancer Naturally

Cancer is when a group of cells begin to grow out of hand. Cellular apoptosis or cell death does not… Read More

May 14, 2020

The Connection Between Stress and Autoimmunity

Autoimmune diseases are a much larger problem than they were 10 years ago. Now, autoimmune diseases are reaching an epidemically… Read More

May 12, 2020

Breast Cancer Biomarkers & Natural Strategies

The majority of women who are diagnosed with breast cancer continue to use dietary supplements throughout their treatments and for… Read More

May 11, 2020

An Overview of GERD

Reflux of gastric contents back into the esophagus is normal in human physiology. However, when this reflux begins to present… Read More

May 8, 2020

Safe to Eat Lectins & Harmful Lectins to Avoid

Grains, legumes, and beans, such as kidney beans, lima beans, black beans, soybeans, and lentils, have high amounts of lectins.… Read More

May 5, 2020