
Daniel Alvarado | PUSH-as-Rx Owner | Never Give Up | PUSH-as-Rx ®

Daniel Alvarado runs the gym, Push-as-Rx ®, where he's seen many people and athletes who pursue losing weight or gaining… Read More

May 22, 2017

Chocolate Bars Are About to Get Smaller

It's makeover time for the chocolate bars you've loved since you were a kid. On Thursday, some big-brand candy companies… Read More

May 22, 2017

Mauro Pena | Client | PUSH-as-Rx ®

Throughout the time Mauro Pena has been coming to Push-as-Rx ®™, his consistency and effort in his exercises have achieved… Read More

May 19, 2017

Gino Martinez | Athlete | PUSH-as-Rx ®

Gino Martinez was motivated to come into Push-as-Rx ® by none other than his trainer and uncle, Mike Quinones. Gino's… Read More

May 19, 2017

How to Make Drinking Coffee Healthier

Here's a reason to really enjoy your morning cup of joe: it practically qualifies as a health food these days.… Read More

May 19, 2017

How Coffee Might Slow Down Aging

To the age-old question “Is coffee bad for you?”, researchers are in more agreement than ever that the answer is… Read More

May 19, 2017

Charlie Quiroga | Client | PUSH-as-Rx ®

Charlie Quiroga realized she needed to make a change in her lifestyle. She was in need of improving her health… Read More

May 19, 2017

Iylene Avalos | Athlete | PUSH-as-Rx ®

Iylene Avalos has developed confidence, discipline, and strength at Push-as-Rx ®. Seeking a challenging environment, Iylene tried many different gyms but… Read More

May 19, 2017

Lauren Baldwin | Client | PUSH-as-Rx ®

Lauren Baldwin, never felt better about herself until after she came to Push-as-Rx ®. Together with her husband, they came… Read More

May 17, 2017

Pattie Valenzuela | Client | PUSH-as-Rx ®

Pattie Valenzuela's experience at Push-as-Rx ® has been incredibly life changing. Her biggest drive was to lose weight and after… Read More

May 16, 2017

Eric Velasco | Athlete | PUSH-as-Rx ®

Eric Velasco has a tremendous drive for being competitive, playing sports throughout his life. He was then referred to Push-as-Rx… Read More

May 16, 2017

Bill Skov | Client | PUSH-as-Rx ®

Ever since coming to Push-as-Rx ®, Bill Skov has felt much more capable with his everyday activities and has learned… Read More

May 16, 2017

Megan Dominguez | Client | PUSH-as-Rx ®

Megan Dominguez, like many, exercised in regular gyms but, when she was talked into trying cross fit at Push-as-Rx ®,… Read More

May 15, 2017

Properly Outlining a Healthy Diet Plan

The first rule of diet success is to make changes you can stick with for the long term. And that… Read More

May 15, 2017

The Benefits of Families That Eat Together

No doubt that work, school and outside activities can make it hard to schedule regular family dinners. But research has… Read More

May 15, 2017

All Hail Turmeric!

Doctor of Chiropractic, Dr. Alexander Jimenez takes a closer look at turmeric and its benefits. Is the herb turmeric actually… Read More

May 12, 2017

Kid’s Lunch and Recess Timing Can Affect Health

Ask kids what their favorite part of the school day is and most will say lunch and recess. But the… Read More

May 12, 2017

Welcome To PUSH-as-Rx ® Fitness & Athletic Training

PUSH-as-Rx ® Fitness & Athletic Training; The Premiere CrossFit Facility in El Paso, Texas PUSH-as-Rx ® is leading the field… Read More

May 10, 2017

PUSH-as-Rx ® Competition

PUSH-as-Rx ® Fitness & Athletic Training is re-writing the status quo of fitness all together. PUSH-as-Rx ®™ is leading the… Read More

May 10, 2017