Incorporating The MET Technique For Better Sleep

Introduction The body needs a good amount of rest after being in motion throughout the day in the form of sleep. Whether… Read More

March 20, 2023

Everyday Poor Posture Relieved By The MET Technique

Introduction From a young age, parents will always tell their kids to sit up straight or else they will have… Read More

March 16, 2023

Auto Accidents & The MET Technique

Introduction Many individuals are constantly in their vehicles and driving from one place to another in the quickest amount of… Read More

March 15, 2023

The MET Technique On Myofascial Trigger Points & Gait Performance

Introduction How a person walks or their gait performance can determine how their body's balance and stability are functioning. Since… Read More

March 14, 2023

Years of Back Muscle Rigidity: EP Chiropractic Scientists

Individuals can experience back muscle rigidity for years and not realize it. This is because the muscles tighten incrementally, and… Read More

March 10, 2023

Muscle Imbalances, Gait Patterns, & The MET Technique

Introduction When it comes to the body, the various muscles, tissues, joints, and organs provide functionality and movement when it… Read More

March 6, 2023

How The MET Technique Is Used For Gait Analysis

Introduction Many people don't often realize that stability and balance are two of the most reliable abilities to keep the… Read More

March 3, 2023

To Stretch Or Strengthen Connective Tissues Using The MET Technique

Introduction The human body has numerous musculoskeletal muscles that allow the host to do various movements without pain or discomfort. Each muscle… Read More

March 1, 2023

Tips On Maintaining Good Posture Using The MET Technique

Introduction Every day, the body is in constant rest or active motion when needed, from working to exercising and getting… Read More

February 24, 2023

MET Techniques On Trigger Point Formation

Introduction Environmental factors can affect the body and lead to chronic conditions involving the musculoskeletal system. When issues like stress, physical… Read More

February 23, 2023

Muscle Energy Techniques (MET): Introduction

Muscle Energy Techniques: A revolution has taken place in manipulative therapy involving a movement away from high velocity/low amplitude thrusts… Read More

January 12, 2018