
Lifestyle Factors Can Increase the Risk of Developing Cancer

Cancer isn't inevitable, but many Americans don't know that several lifestyle factors affect their risk of developing the disease, a… Read More

April 21, 2017

Physical Education is Much More than Simple Fitness

Rules requiring regular physical education for young teens stem from "good science," researchers say. Frequent "phys ed" classes not only… Read More

April 19, 2017

Physical Activity is the Best Method to Post-Stroke Recovery

People who were active and exercised regularly before their stroke were less likely to face disability after the attack, researchers… Read More

April 18, 2017

Exercise Can Prevent the Progression of Parkinson’s Disease

Parkinson's disease can cause tremors, stiffness and trouble with walking. But a new study suggests that regular exercise can slow… Read More

April 11, 2017

Dementia in Older Adults Caused by Inactivity

Parking yourself in front of the TV may make you as likely to develop dementia as people genetically predisposed to… Read More

April 11, 2017


If you’re like most Americans, health is the most important aspect of your life that needs improving. Without adequate health… Read More

April 7, 2017

Managing Obesity Through Easier Healthy Habits

Getting overweight adults to adopt new heart-healthy eating habits is an uphill battle. But giving them a handout about nutrition… Read More

April 7, 2017

Exercise Can Reduce the Risk of Heart Failure

Getting regular exercise and staying slim can lower the risk for an especially hard-to-treat type of heart failure, new research… Read More

April 4, 2017

Relevant Anatomy of Plantar Fasciitis, Heel Pain

Plantar fasciitis is a common affliction affecting many athletes, in particular runners. Adam Smith has written a great piece in… Read More

March 31, 2017

Study Finds, Elite Runner Women’s Pace is First to Decline

All marathon runners eventually slow down. But, a new study finds that whether a runner is average or elite, or… Read More

March 31, 2017

Some Heart Rate Trackers May Work Inaccurately

Fitbits and other wrist-worn fitness devices promise to keep track of your heart rate, but new research suggests they are… Read More

March 30, 2017

Sports Injuries in Children Specializing in Single Sport

Focusing too much on playing one favorite sport probably isn't a good idea for kids under 12, researchers report. That's… Read More

March 29, 2017

Receiving Diagnosis for Sprains and Strains

Sometimes you need to see a doctor for help in diagnosis and treatment. For strains or sprains, the pain can… Read More

March 27, 2017

5 Buttocks Exercises Perfect for Wedding Season

Looking healthy and being physically fit can get anyone's attention and for those being a part of a summertime social… Read More

March 27, 2017

Running Athletes Who Run More Miles Exert Less Energy

The bodies of runners who put in a lot of mileage appear to be more efficient at running compared to… Read More

March 24, 2017

Important Tips to Know About Orangetheory Fitness

So many buzzy new workouts, so little time. But we promise, Orangetheory Fitness deserves a spot near the top of… Read More

March 24, 2017

Hilaria Baldwin’s 5-Minute Yoga Routine

In celebrity yoga instructor Hilaria Baldwin’s new book The Living Clearly Method: 5 Principles for a Fit Body, Healthy Mind… Read More

March 23, 2017

This Hybrid Smart Watch Fitness Tracker Has a 25-Day Battery Life

The first thing you notice when you see the Withings Steel HR is how little it resembles what most of… Read More

March 23, 2017

Reconsidering a Spinning Obsession for Wellness

Spinning might look about the same as outdoor cycling or riding a stationary bike, but in many ways, it’s a… Read More

March 23, 2017