
Chiropractic & Extension Related Low Back Pain

Among the many types of complications which cause extension related low back pain, some of the most common include: spinal… Read More

November 11, 2016

Identifying & Evaluating the Risk of Concussion

An uncommon cause of concussion involves an indirect blow where the force of the impact is spread up to the… Read More

November 3, 2016

Treatment & Rehabilitation for Hamstring Avulsions

Muscle ruptures in the form of hamstring avulsions have been reported more frequently in the younger population due to an… Read More

November 3, 2016

Pectoralis Major Ruptures in Athletes from Sports

The pectoralis major muscle contains two recognizable heads; the clavicular head and the costosternal head. The clavicular head emerges from… Read More

October 31, 2016

The Lower Trapezius and Chiropractic Care

Throughout the years, only a small amount of research has been conducted to study the anatomy of the lower trapezius.… Read More

October 24, 2016

Medial Tibial Stress Syndrome in Athletes

Shin splints, or MTSS, occurs most frequently in specific groups of the athletic population, accounting for 13-20 percent of injuries… Read More

October 19, 2016

Pelvic Stress Fractures in Athletes

Stress fractures occurring around the pelvis are significantly uncommon although, a majority of them are often considered a differential diagnosis… Read More

October 18, 2016

Tensor Fascia Latae Dysfunction and Sciatica

The TFL, or tensor fascia latae, is a complex muscle which is intricately arrangement anatomically with the ITB, or iliotibial… Read More

October 17, 2016

Strengthening the Gluteus Medius After an Injury

During single extremity weight bearing exercises, such as stance phase of walking or running, lunging and landing from a jump,… Read More

October 13, 2016

Lumbar Disc Herniation, Massage and Chiropractic

Lumbar spine disc herniation is a well-known type of injury which often causes impairing low back pain, however, it can… Read More

October 12, 2016

Chiropractor El Paso | The Stages of Neck Injury Rehabilitation

Rehabilitation after any type of accident causing damage and/or injury to the body is essential for the individual to record… Read More

October 10, 2016

Shoulder Pain Caused by Serratus Anterior Injuries

Muscular imbalances around the complex structures of the shoulder can develop abnormal activation patterns and inherent myofascial restrictions, both which… Read More

October 7, 2016

Rehabilitating Acute Hamstring Injuries

The semitendinosus, or ST, the semimembranosus, or SM, and the biceps femoris long and short heads (BFLH and BFSH) are… Read More

October 5, 2016

Recovery for Athlete’s with Jumper’s Knee

During jumping sports where great amounts of stress are suddenly placed on the lower extremities of the body, patellar tendinopathy,… Read More

September 7, 2016

The Differences of Chiropractic & Allopathic Healthcare

When it comes to making the proper health care decision nowadays, allopathic medicine and holistic medicine are two different forms… Read More

August 26, 2016

Back Pain Relief for Athletes Through Chiropractic

Athletes are at a higher risk of suffering a back injury due to the intense physical activity they participate in.… Read More

August 8, 2016

The Risks of Improper Sitting Postures on the Spine

Sitting for extended periods of time while hunching over a desk can cause discomfort, numbness and spine misalignment over time… Read More

July 20, 2016

Home Remedies after Waking Up with Neck Pain

Occasionally, people may wake up with neck pain from sleeping in an awkward position throughout the night. While often regarded… Read More

July 18, 2016

The Differences of Sciatica and Piriformis Syndrome

Sciatica is identified as a group of symptoms occurring when the sciatic nerve, found on the lumbar region of the… Read More

July 13, 2016