Tight Hip Flexors and How To Release

Tight hip flexors are a common complaint among individuals. Sitting for too long is the usual suspect, but highly active… Read More

April 7, 2021

Vitamin D For Bone Health and Injury Prevention

Vitamin D, also known as the sunshine pill, can help keep the musculoskeletal system healthy and prevent injury by keeping… Read More

April 5, 2021

Neck Bulging Disc/s Chiropractic Exercises and Stretches

A bulging disc happens when the supportive gel-filling between the spinal vertebrae begins to slip out of place. If left… Read More

April 1, 2021

Chiropractic Mechanical and Manual Cervical Traction for Injuries

In cases of cervical disc nerve compression, traction treatment is a recommended approach to proper spinal adjustment and pain relief.… Read More

March 31, 2021

Melatonin: Inflammatory Modulation

Melatonin works as a link between circadian rhythms of different target tissues distributed on our body. The pineal gland primarily… Read More

March 31, 2021

Diffuse Idiopathic Skeletal Hyperostosis

Diffuse idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis, also known as D.I.S.H is a misunderstood and often misdiagnosed source of back pain. Dr. Jimenez… Read More

March 30, 2021

Motorcycle Accident Causes, Injuries, and Chiropractic Treatment

Motorcycle accidents are a lot different from automobile accidents. Specifically is how much the riders are exposed and unprotected during… Read More

March 29, 2021

Chiropractic Sports Massage for Injuries, Sprains, and Strains

A chiropractic sports massage will reduce the risk of injury, improve flexibility, and the circulatory system. A chiropractic sports massage… Read More

March 25, 2021

Neck Pain and Feeling Dizzy: Cervicogenic/Cervical Vertigo

When neck pain and becoming dizzy present it is called cervical vertigo or cervicogenic dizziness. It can present from different… Read More

March 24, 2021

Coconut Curry Lentil Soup

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March 24, 2021