Can correcting body misalignments and the elements of unhealthy posture help achieve a healthy posture? Healthy Posture Maintaining a healthy posture is more important than ever, as individuals from all… Read More
An axillary nerve injury can cause pain, weakness, and shoulder mobility loss. Can physical therapy help restore and maintain shoulder joint flexibility? Axillary Nerve The axillary nerve, or the circumflex… Read More
The vastus lateralis is a muscle on the outside part of the thigh. Injuries to the muscle include strains, tendinitis, femoral nerve compression, and others. Can rehabilitation like heat and… Read More
Can beginner workouts help individuals who want to improve their health by helping them lose weight and improve their quality of life? Beginner Workouts Individuals new to exercise do not… Read More
Individuals experiencing persistent pain, weakness, numbness, and tingling in the back could be suffering from nerve root encroachment. Could surgery ease nerve compression and improve symptoms for persistent and severe… Read More
Can individuals maintain proper hydration levels in their bodies to prevent spinal pain and other musculoskeletal conditions? Introduction When making small changes to better their health and wellness, many understand… Read More
Does an individual's ideal daily intake of vegetables depend on age, sex, and activity level? Daily Serving of Vegetables Vegetables are ?vital to a healthy diet. Every type offers various… Read More
For individuals with chronic pain conditions, what are the risks of developing peptic ulcers? NSAIDs and Peptic Ulcers A peptic ulcer is a sore in the lining of the stomach… Read More
What type of concussion tests are there to help establish the extent of head injuries and help assess improvement during recovery? Concussion Tests A concussion is a temporary change in… Read More
Elbow pain from lifting is a common symptom among individuals who lift weights, heavy objects, children, grocery bags, etc. Depending on the underlying cause, can conservative treatments relieve and heal… Read More