
Adductor Strain, Tendinopathy, and Sciatica

What is an Adductor Muscle Strain?   An adductor muscle strain is characterized as an acute injury to the muscles… Read More

June 18, 2019

Sciatica or Proximal Hamstring Injury

Hamstring injuries are several of the most common types of injuries among athletes. These makeup for the most days or… Read More

June 14, 2019

Ischiogluteal Bursitis vs Sciatica

What is Ischiogluteal Bursitis?   A bursa is a fluid-filled sac which functions by helping to decrease friction around the… Read More

June 13, 2019

Gluteus Tendinopathy, Sciatica and Fibromyalgia

Gluteus Tendinopathy and Sciatica Symptoms in Fibromyalgia   Gluteus medius tendinopathy (GMT), also known as dead butt syndrome (DBS), is… Read More

June 12, 2019

Fibromyalgia and Sciatica vs Piriformis Syndrome

Fibromyalgia and sciatica are two well-known health issues which can commonly occur at seemingly the same time in people, however,… Read More

June 11, 2019

Sciatica vs Ischiofemoral Impingement

A variety of health issues can cause common symptoms which may make it difficult for people to determine the source… Read More

June 7, 2019

Symptoms Associated with Fibromyalgia

Sciatica and Fibromyalgia   Fibromyalgia is a disorder characterized by widespread musculoskeletal pain which is also generally accompanied by fatigue,… Read More

June 6, 2019

Detox for Back Pain and Sciatica

The human body can absorb toxins in a variety of ways, from the type of foods we eat to the… Read More

June 5, 2019

How Foods Can Affect Sciatica

Sciatica is a health issue caused by the compression or impingement of the sciatic nerve, or the longest and largest… Read More

June 4, 2019

Sciatica Diet Food Plan Treatment

Sciatica is commonly characterized by a collection of symptoms, such as pain, discomfort, tingling sensations and numbness, frequently caused by… Read More

June 3, 2019

Advanced Evaluation of Complex Sciatica

Etiology of Sciatic Nerve Pain   Sciatica, or sciatic nerve pain, is a collection of symptoms caused by the compression… Read More

May 30, 2019

*SCIATICA* Relief El Paso, Texas (2019)

Sciatica is a combination of a painful electrical surge that runs down the back, into the legs, and into the… Read More

May 28, 2019

Chiropractic Patients And Sciatica El Paso, Texas

If you experience shooting, nerve-like pain down your leg, you may be suffering from sciatica. The sciatic nerve can be… Read More

May 17, 2019

Advanced Sciatic Chiropractic Treatment El Paso, Texas (2019)

Dr. Jimenez provides advanced sciatic chiropractic treatment that focuses on the treatment of injuries related to the musculoskeletal system. Read More

May 15, 2019

Best *Solution for Sciatica* In El Paso, Texas (2019)

Dr. Jimenez' patients break down the treatment Dr. Jimenez has provided and recommend Dr. J  the best solution for sciatica. Read More

May 8, 2019

*Sciatica Treatment* Rehab | El Paso, TX (2019)

The sciatic nerve is the largest nerve in the human body, and its main function is to connect the feet… Read More

May 3, 2019

Sciatica Pain Relief | El Paso, Tx (Chiropractic Care)

Sciatic nerve pain is a collection of symptoms characterized by pain, discomfort, tingling sensations, and numbness, in the low back.… Read More

March 25, 2019

Education About Sciatica | Video | El Paso, TX

A frequent health problem commonly treated by Dr. Alex Jimenez, sciatica is a set of symptoms caused by the compression… Read More

November 21, 2018

Piriformis Syndrome Management

Sciatica is a collection of symptoms in the low back, which radiate down one or both legs. Sciatica is generally… Read More

October 12, 2018