
Spinal Stenosis Symptoms Early Diagnosis and Treatment

Recognizing and understanding common and not so common neck and low back spinal Stenosis symptoms can help in getting an early diagnosis… Read More

May 11, 2020

Sensory Nerves and Tendon Reflexes

Nerves originate from the spine and are divided/separated into sensory and motor nerves. Burning, numbness, tingling, and pain can be… Read More

May 5, 2020

Sciatica Chiropractic Solution Pain Relief El Paso, Texas

The sciatic nerve can be compressed, pinched, twisted, moved out of position by a variety of things, including injury/s and… Read More

February 12, 2020

*SCIATICA* Relief El Paso, Texas (2019)

Sciatica is a combination of a painful electrical surge that runs down the back, into the legs, and into the… Read More

May 28, 2019

Hunched Back Teen Stands Tall Through Chiropractic

After pulling out a tree root Muntathar experienced excruciating pain which forced him into a extreme hunched position. If he… Read More

March 21, 2017

5 Ways Pregnant Women Can Use Kinesiotape by Dr. Alex Jimenez

5 Ways to Use Kinesiotape for Pregnant WomenWomen often seek out chiropractic care during their pregnancies. One of the main reasons… Read More

February 13, 2017