Randomized Controlled Trial

A Randomized Controlled Trial or (RCT) design randomly assigns participants into an experimental group or a control group. A study in which the participants are divided by chance into separate groups that compare different treatments or other interventions. Using chance to divide people into groups means that the groups will be similar and that the effects of the treatments they receive can be compared more fairly. As the study is conducted, the only expected difference between the control and experimental groups in a randomized controlled trial (RCT) is the outcome variable being studied. At the time of the trial, it is not known which treatment is best.


  1. Easier to blind/mask than from observational studies
  2. Good randomization which washes out any population bias
  3. Populations of participating individuals are clearly identified
  4. Results can be analyzed with well known statistical tools


  1. Causation not revealed
  2. Expensive
  3. Loss to follow-up
  4. Biases from volunteers as the population participating may not represent the whole

For Answers to any questions you may have please call Dr. Jimenez at 915-850-0900

Work Injury Health Guidelines for Low Back Pain in El Paso, TX

Low back pain represents one of the most common complaints in healthcare settings. While a variety of injuries and/or conditions… Read More

April 20, 2018

Spinal Manipulation vs. Mobilization for Cervicogenic Headache in El Paso, TX

A primary headache is characterized as head pain caused by a headache disorder itself. The three types of primary headache… Read More

April 5, 2018

Chiropractic Headache Treatment Guidelines in El Paso, TX

Headache pain is one of the most prevalent reasons for doctor office visits. The majority of people experience them at… Read More

April 4, 2018

Migraine Headache Pain Chiropractic Therapy in El Paso, TX

Migraine headaches have been considered to be one of the most frustrating ailments when compared to other common health issues.… Read More

March 29, 2018

Psychology, Headache, Back Pain, Chronic Pain and Chiropractic in El Paso, TX

Everyone experiences pain from time to time. Pain is a physical feeling of discomfort caused by injury or illness. When… Read More

March 22, 2018

Mindfulness Interventions for Chronic Headache in El Paso, TX

If you've experienced a headache, you're not alone. Approximately 9 out of 10 individuals in the United States suffer from… Read More

March 20, 2018

Mindfulness for Headache and Cervical Disc Herniation in El Paso, TX

Stress is a result of the human body's "fight or flight" response, a prehistoric defense mechanism triggered by the sympathetic… Read More

March 19, 2018

Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Auto Accident Injuries in El Paso, TX

Being involved in an automobile accident is an undesirable situation which can result in a variety of physical trauma or… Read More

March 16, 2018

Mindfulness Interventions for Auto Accident Injuries in El Paso, TX

When you've been involved in a car crash, the auto accident injuries resulting from the incident may not always have… Read More

March 15, 2018

Effectiveness of Mindfulness on Herniated Discs & Sciatica in El Paso, TX

Chronic low back pain is the second most common cause of disability in the United States. Approximately 80 percent of… Read More

March 14, 2018