Dr. Alex Jimenez

When Methylation Goes Wrong Part 2

Dr. Alex Jimenez Explains Why Methylation Can Go Wrong As previously discussed, many healthcare professionals have demonstrated potential concerns associated… Read More

March 28, 2019

When Methylation Goes Wrong Part 1

Dr. Alex Jimenez Explains Why Methylation Can Go Wrong Many healthcare professionals have demonstrated several potential concerns associated with folic… Read More

March 27, 2019

Intolerance to Methylation Donors

Although high-dose methyl donor supplements can help patients with methylation deficits, some healthcare professionals may occasionally encounter patients with an… Read More

March 26, 2019

Sciatica Pain Relief | El Paso, Tx (Chiropractic Care)

Sciatic nerve pain is a collection of symptoms characterized by pain, discomfort, tingling sensations, and numbness, in the low back.… Read More

March 25, 2019

Methylation Deficits

Folate deficiency and poor folate metabolism are associated with a variety of health issues, such as neural tube defects. Fortunately,… Read More

March 22, 2019

Epigenetic Nutritional Influence And Longevity Of Life | El Paso, Tx.

Nutritional epigenetics influences how we age and our length of life? Dr. Jimenez presents data on how nutrition can influence… Read More

March 21, 2019

What Does Methylation Do in the Human Body?

Methyl donors, such as folate, vitamin B12, methionine, betaine or trimethylglycine, and choline, are fundamental for a variety of biochemical… Read More

March 20, 2019

Genetic-Epigenetic Nutritional Health | El Paso, TX.

El Paso, Tx. Dr. Alex Jimenez answers the question patients, friends, and family have been asking, and that is how… Read More

March 19, 2019

DNA Methylation Plasticity

Does DNA methylation affect plasticity? Methylation plays a role in a variety of bodily functions, including plasticity. The regulation of… Read More

March 19, 2019

Chiropractic Care Helps Those That Suffer From Acromioclavicular Pain

When a patient comes in with complaints of pain in the shoulder and restricted motion in the joint, one possible… Read More

March 18, 2019

Biochemistry of DNA Methylation

Introduction to Methylation Methylation, also known as one-carbon metabolism, is a biochemical process which triggers methylation activity. A methyl group,… Read More

March 18, 2019

Methylation Donors for Methylation Support

Can methylation donors help promote a balanced methylation support? Many doctors and functional medicine practitioners generally recommend higher doses of… Read More

March 15, 2019

NutriGenomics And NutrtiGenetics: An Introduction | El Paso, Texas.

El Paso, Texas. Patients have been asking chiropractor Doctor Alexander Jimenez what nutrigenomics and nutrigenetics are? Genomics & Nutrigenomics Nutrigenomics:… Read More

March 13, 2019

The Importance Of Methylation Support

What is systems medicine and how is it integrated into our overall health and wellness? Systems medicine is an interdisciplinary… Read More

March 13, 2019

Best Injury Chiropractic Care | El Paso, Tx (2019)

Chiropractic care is a safe and effective alternative treatment option which focuses on the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of a… Read More

March 11, 2019

Diabetes and Chronic Pain

Individuals with diabetes have a 35 percent risk of developing neck pain and back pain, according to a recent research… Read More

March 11, 2019

People Are Seeking Chiropractic Care More Than Ever

More and more people are choosing chiropractic care for their pack pain and other issues. In fact, they are leaving… Read More

March 11, 2019

Fasting And Cancer: Molecular Mechanisms And Clinical Application

Alessio Nencioni, Irene Caffa, Salvatore Cortellino and Valter D. Longo Abstract | The vulnerability of cancer cells to nutrient deprivation… Read More

March 8, 2019

Benefits of Self-Care Techniques for TMD and Fibromyalgia

Although oral devices, such as splints and bite guards, are the most prevalent treatments for facial pain associated with temporomandibular… Read More

March 8, 2019