
Herniated Disc Pain Stretches and Exercises

Here are a few recommended stretches and exercises for relieving herniated disc symptoms. The vertebrae are the small bones that… Read More

June 7, 2021

Baastrup’s Syndrome aka Kissing Spine Syndrome

Baastrup’s syndrome is named after Christian Ingerslev Baastrup. He discovered and described the condition in 1933. In this syndrome, pain… Read More

June 4, 2021

Gaining Relief From Back Pain During Menstrual Cycle

Women are familiar with abdominal cramps, Pre Menstrual Syndrome, and headaches that accompany their menstrual cycle. However not as many… Read More

June 2, 2021

Improper Posture Can Cause All Types Of Body Pain

Improper posture affects the whole body and can lead to various pain issues throughout the body. Correcting posture is recommended… Read More

June 1, 2021

How A Doctor Of Chiropractic Heals Sciatica

The spinal cord is the information pathway that transmits signals from the brain to the rest of the body. The… Read More

May 27, 2021

Cardio Exercise Equipment That Won’t Worsen Back Pain

At home or a gym, working out with cardio exercise equipment can be a highly beneficial treatment for back discomfort,… Read More

May 25, 2021

Problems/Issues With The Feet Can Affect The Entire Body

The feet are the foundation of the body. The feet carry the body's entire weight allowing for movement with ease.… Read More

May 21, 2021

Temporomandibular Joint, Jaw Pain, Chiropractic Lasting Relief

Jaw pain can make chewing, yawning, and talking a painful experience. This is a syndrome known as Temporomandibular Joint syndrome… Read More

May 19, 2021

Exercise Benefits For Optimal Spinal Health

The spine interconnects the entire body transmitting and receiving messages from the brain allowing for coordinated movement. Maintaining optimal spinal… Read More

May 7, 2021

Cervicogenic Headaches Underlying Triggers

Cervicogenic headaches can be easily confused with migraine headaches. They can have various underlying triggers/causes that require different treatment approaches… Read More

May 6, 2021

Chiropractic Care for Effective Rheumatoid Arthritis Relief

Rheumatoid arthritis is said to affect around 1.5 million individuals. It is recognized as an autoimmune condition that presents with… Read More

May 4, 2021

Chiropractic Treatment or Physical Therapy: What Are My Options?

Chiropractic treatment and physical therapy are treatment methods/approaches that are conservative, non-invasive, and are both practical options. Both address health… Read More

May 4, 2021

The Benefits of Regular Chiropractic Spinal Adjustments

Individuals tend to think of chiropractic treatment for pain relief, injury recovery, and help with poor posture. This is correct,… Read More

April 30, 2021

Supporting A Spouse, Partner With Chronic Pain

For individuals that have a partner or spouse with chronic back pain, life can feel like it revolves around the… Read More

April 29, 2021

Diabetic Back Pain: Ways To Bring Relief

The diabetic disease processes can be a contributor to chronic back pain. Diabetes can damage the human body from the… Read More

April 28, 2021

Pelvic Pain and Chiropractic Relief

The pelvis is designed to bear and distribute the weight of the body along with regular everyday movement. It is… Read More

April 27, 2021

Lifestyle Adjustments and Chiropractic Enhancements

Individuals are realizing the enhancements that chiropractic produces along with lifestyle adjustments. Chiropractic is about total body health. This includes:… Read More

April 26, 2021

Ways Chiropractic Treats Whiplash Effectively and Successfully

A whiplash injury can cause pain for months, even years after the accident/incident. It can cause persistent pain in the… Read More

April 23, 2021

Belly Fat Can Cause Back Pain and Injury

Belly fat is a gateway to back pain/spinal issues that can lead to various health problems. The bulging belly population… Read More

April 22, 2021