el paso chiropractor

The Validity of the Chiropractic Adjustment | Circle of Docs

The Validity of the Chiropractic AdjustmentBy editor2535Share on Facebook Tweet on Twitter By: Dr. Alec KhleboprosChiropractic adjustment has various applications.… Read More

February 7, 2017

Foundation Training for Back Pain Relief and General Fitness

Visit the Mercola Video Library By Dr. MercolaDr. Eric Goodman is the creator of Foundation Training, a highly effective protocol. Foundation… Read More

February 7, 2017

Fibromyalgia Relief With Chiropractic Care

Fibromyalgia is one of the most common chronic pain conditions presently affecting many individuals. According to the American College of… Read More

July 5, 2016

Fibromyalgia: Drug Abuse & Dependency

Fibromyalgia symptoms are presumed to occur subsequently from physical or emotional trauma where there’s been considerable psychological stress, after surgery,… Read More

June 30, 2016

Neck Brace & Whiplash

Neck Brace Or Cervical Collars & Whiplash The majority of people who suffer a whiplash type injury as a result of… Read More

June 2, 2016