Injury Care

Slip and Fall Injuries

Individuals involved in slip and fall accidents lead to around 9 million emergency room visits a year. Recovering from a… Read More

October 20, 2021

The Effects of Low Laser Therapy on Repairing The Calcaneal Tendon | El Paso, TX

The body is a well-working machine that can endure anything that is thrown in its way. However, when it gets… Read More

October 12, 2021

Low Laser Therapy Repairs Tissues | El Paso, TX

When dealing with any kind of pain, many types of remedies can help alleviate the source of the pain. Whether… Read More

October 8, 2021

Reading The Body’s Warning Signs

Individuals don't like to read the warning signs of their spinal health, saying to themselves the pain will go away.… Read More

September 7, 2021

Straining, Spasming, Injuring The Lat Muscles

The latissimus dorsi or lats are the large flat muscles on each side covering the width of the middle and… Read More

August 9, 2021

Chiropractic Wrist and Hand Adjustments

The hands are used for all kinds of tasks/chores day and night. Using the hands requires the wrists. When wrist… Read More

July 14, 2021

I Threw Out My Back, What That Means

I threw my back out. Most of us have heard and possibly experienced throwing our backs out. But, what does… Read More

June 24, 2021

Lower Back Muscle Knots Can Be Broken Down With Chiropractic

Muscle knots are common and can occur anywhere on the body. They can cause aching and pain in the muscles… Read More

June 3, 2021

Problems/Issues With The Feet Can Affect The Entire Body

The feet are the foundation of the body. The feet carry the body's entire weight allowing for movement with ease.… Read More

May 21, 2021

Avoiding and Preventing Spinal Compression Fractures

Spinal vertebral compression fractures are a common injury in older individuals brought on from a lowered bone density. Hip and… Read More

April 14, 2021