
Muscle Twitching Chiropractic Scientist

Nerves control muscle fibers. Muscle twitching is an involuntary contraction of the muscle fibers. When individuals play sports/work out vigorously… Read More

October 7, 2022

After Traveling Find Musculoskeletal Stress Relief With Chiropractic

After traveling, body/musculoskeletal aches and pains can present from continual standing in line, sitting, staying in the same position, carrying… Read More

July 5, 2022

Decompression Massage Center

Massage is the manipulation of the body's muscles and tissues using controlled force, gentle and slow kneading, and assisted instrumentation.… Read More

May 12, 2022

Pregnant and Chiropractic

Pregnant and Chiropractic: Many women experience back/pelvis/leg/feet swelling, soreness, achiness, and pain during pregnancy. A growing belly added weight and… Read More

March 15, 2022

Orthopedic Massage

Orthopedic massage is part of injury rehabilitation that focuses on the muscles and soft tissues surrounding the joints and ligaments.… Read More

January 28, 2022

Neuromuscular Massage For Muscular Pain

A neuromuscular massage is a form of manual massage used to release strained muscles. Strained areas are also known as… Read More

November 10, 2021

Therapeutic Massage During Pregnancy

Pregnancy can take a toll on a woman's body. New aches and pains start to present as the pregnancy progresses.… Read More

August 17, 2021

Chiropractic Sports Massage for Injuries, Sprains, and Strains

A chiropractic sports massage will reduce the risk of injury, improve flexibility, and the circulatory system. A chiropractic sports massage… Read More

March 25, 2021

Scar Tissue Break Down with Chiropractic, Mobility and Flexibility Restored

Scar tissue if left untreated/unmanaged could lead to mobility and chronic pain issues. Individuals that are recovering from a traumatic… Read More

November 20, 2020

Massage Therapists and Spine Health

Massage therapists have come a long way in reducing pain and improving wellness. Back pain is one of the most… Read More

September 2, 2020