Relaxing The Low Back Muscles

Relaxing the low back muscles. The low back supports the weight of the upper body and provides mobility. The lumbar… Read More

September 9, 2021

The Functional Medicine Approach | Our Team | El Paso, Tx (2021) Dr. Alexander Jimenez, Adriana Caceres, Faith Arciniega (Health Coach), Amparo Armendáriz-Pérez (Massage Therapist) and Ana Rodríguez Arciniega talk about… Read More

September 5, 2021

Anthropometrics, Biomarkers and Diet Evaluation | El Paso, Tx (2021) Welcome to this new functional Medicine presentation, where an expert will be discussing Anthropometrics, Biomarkers, cLINICAL assessment and diet… Read More

September 3, 2021

Prescribing an *ELIMINATION DIET* | El Paso, Tx (2021) We want to welcome you to our newest functional Medicine presentation, where an expert will be discussing the fundamentals… Read More

September 3, 2021

Camping With Back Pain, Modifications and Adjustments

Going camping for an extended weekend can be exciting and fearful for individuals with back pain. Being in nature is… Read More

September 2, 2021

Tension In The Neck, Relief and Motion Restored With Chiropractic

Muscle tension in the neck is a common musculoskeletal disorder.  The neck is made up of flexible muscles that support… Read More

September 1, 2021

Scoliosis and Hip Pain

Scoliosis causes the spinal curvature to go sideways and can cause various symptoms. One of the most common symptoms is… Read More

August 31, 2021

An introduction to Functional Medicine 2/3 | El Paso, Tx (2021) In this episode, Dr. Alex Jimenez brings to you this presentation titled “An Introduction to Functional Medicine" where Medical… Read More

August 31, 2021

Allergic & Atopic Disease | El Paso, Tx (2021) Welcome to our new Functional Medicine presentation where an expert will be talking to us about case management of… Read More

August 28, 2021

3/3 *AUTOIMMUNE DISEASE* In depth | El Paso, Tx (2021) Welcome to our new Functional Medicine presentation where an expert will be talking to us about case management of… Read More

August 28, 2021