Specializations: Treating Severe Pain, Sciatica, Neck & Back Pain, Whiplash, Headaches, Joint Injuries, Sports Injuries, Degenerative Arthritis. Advanced therapies focused on mobility recovery, structural conditioning, health, nutrition, wellness, and optimal fitness. Our chiropractors, nutritionists, doctors, sports injury specialists, nurse practitioners, and medically integrated clinical staff are ready to help you. We focus on functional medicine treatment plans that bring genuine care and health to our patients. We offer injury care, sports wellness, and nutritional treatment protocols that bring optional health to you


March 18, 2022

Anybody can become dehydrated if they don’t take care of themselves and drink plenty of water. Being dehydrated happens when there is insufficient water in the body or increased water… Read More

The Reversal of Cognitive Decline In the Brain

March 18, 2022

Introduction In the central nervous system, the brain's primary function is to make sure that the neuron signals it's producing are being transmitted all throughout the body. These neuron signals… Read More

Functional Neurology and ALS | Part 2

March 17, 2022

Introduction The central nervous system consists of the brain and the spinal cord that makes sure that neuron signals are being transmitted all over the body and making sure that… Read More

An Insight View On Functional Neurology | Part 1

March 17, 2022

Introduction The brain is part of the central nervous system where its main function is to send out neuron signals all throughout the body in a bidirectional connection as it… Read More

DOMS: Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness

March 16, 2022

Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness - DOMS is when muscle pain or stiffness develops a day or two after playing sports, weight lifting, exercise, or work that involves concentrated physical activity… Read More

Neurological Uses for CBD

March 16, 2022

Introduction The central nervous system is home to the brain and spinal cord and its primary function are to send out neuron signals all throughout the body and make sure… Read More

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy For Mild Brain Trauma Injury

March 16, 2022

Introduction The brain's primary function is to make sure that the neuron signals are being transmitted and transported throughout the entire body. These neuron signals are responsible for functioning the… Read More

How S.H.I.E.L.D. Can Prevent Alzheimer’s Disease | Part 2

March 15, 2022

Introduction The central nervous system is consist of the brain and the spinal cord that sends out neuron signals throughout the body and have a bidirectional connection to the brain.… Read More

Pregnant and Chiropractic

March 15, 2022

Pregnant and Chiropractic: Many women experience back/pelvis/leg/feet swelling, soreness, achiness, and pain during pregnancy. A growing belly added weight and changes in connective tissue can cause a variety of musculoskeletal… Read More

How To Detect Alzheimer’s In The Brain | Part 1

March 15, 2022

Introduction The brain's main function in the central nervous system is to make sure that the neuron signals that the brain produces are transferring throughout the entire body. These neuron… Read More